How To Recover Deleted Facebook photos ?

ss | 10:38 | 1 Comments

Hello Guys…Here we are back with another awesome trick related to Facebook. Have you ever accidentally deleted you important or favorite Facebook images ? Well here is a solution to recover your deleted Facebook photos which will help you to a great extent.
Here is a simple tutorial to recover your accidentally deleted Facebook  photos.Are you ready for it ? Then have a look on the following simple steps.

How To Recover Deleted Facebook Photos ?
#1 . At first login to your Facebook account and open any image in a new tab which you wanna delete.
#2. Now copy the URL of the image in the new tab from the address bar and paste it in notepad.
#3. Then right Click 0n the image and select copy image URL and paste it in the notepad(keep this for later use).
#4. Now  delete the image.
#5. Then Open the notepad and copy and paste the URL(copied in step 2) in the address bar and hit enter.You will see an error message like “this content  is currently unavailable”.
#6. To recover the early deleted photo paste the URL which is copied in step 3  in the address bar and hit enter.Wow ! now the early deleted image is visible to you even without login.
Guys How is it ?

Why the Facebook Images Can be Accessible After deletion ???
Well,This may be the Common question of the majority of the readers.Yes I will Explain.Facebook is the leading social networking site and it works on the CDN(Continent Distribution Network) to give quick and easy access to the users.When an image or video is uploaded by any user a large number of it’s copy is taken and it is accessible to  the local servers .When a user deletes an image the photo is immediately erased from only his account and in the main server of Facebook,means it resides in the local servers for a long time(about 2 years approx.).That’s why the deleted Facebook photos is accessible even after its deletion.

By FbTips2Hack
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